a bite of chocolat... ::home::
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Thursday, October 12, 2006  


Ok, I apologize for the inarticulate laughter, but this was just hilarious and needed to be shared. As a testament to how extraordinarily obsessive, dedicated, and cybergeeky the NIN fandom truly is, this was posted on my primary NIN news resource, The NIN Hotline:

Help fix the NIN Wikipedia article.

Recently, the Wikipedia entry for Nine Inch Nails had been nominated as a Good Article candidate, but didn't quite pass muster. It was apparently pretty close, but there are a few relatively minor things that could be addressed. If you've got time to kill, and can follow simple directions, help put this article into the top 0.1% of Wikipedia entries.

I love it.

posted by Shannon | 3:04 PM

Lately I've been feeling...

You know, I actually miss St. Mark's...
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